function toroman( num [, mode] ) --> roman
Converts the number num to a roman string. The number value must be positive.
- num
A number that should be convert.
- mode
A number that specifies the type roman number that should be returned.
0 for a classic roman number, this is also the default variant.
1/2/3 for a more concise variants, check the examples to see the difference.
4 for a simplified roman number.
Return Values
- roman
A roman number as string.
--ZFUNC-toroman-v1 local function toroman( num, mode ) --> roman mode = mode or 0 if num < 1 or num > 3999 then return "" end local chars = { "M", "D", "C", "L", "X", "V", "I" } local vals = { 1000, 500, 100, 50, 10, 5, 1 } local sidx = { 3, 3, 5, 5, 7, 7 } local last = #vals local roman = {} while num > 0 do local i = 1 while i <= last do local v = vals[ i ] if num >= v then num = num - v table.insert( roman, chars[ i ] ) i = last + 1 else local j = math.min( sidx[ i ] + mode, last ) local n = sidx[ i ] while j >= n do local v2 = v - vals[ j ] if num >= v2 then num = num - v2 table.insert( roman, chars[ j ] ) table.insert( roman, chars[ i ] ) i = last + 1 j = 1 else j = j - 1 end end i = i + 1 end end end return table.concat( roman ) end return toroman
local t = require( "taptest" ) local toroman = require( "toroman" ) t( toroman( 3 ), "III" ) t( toroman( 7 ), "VII" ) t( toroman( 1999 ), "MCMXCIX" ) t( toroman( 499, 0 ), "CDXCIX" ) t( toroman( 499, 1 ), "LDVLIV" ) t( toroman( 499, 2 ), "XDIX" ) t( toroman( 499, 3 ), "VDIV" ) t( toroman( 499, 4 ), "ID" ) t( toroman( -1 ), "" ) -- should allow only 3999 as max value t( toroman( 3999 ), "MMMCMXCIX" ) t( toroman( 4000 ), "" ) t()