function readlines( filename ) --> strlst, err
Reads the full content of a file into a string list.
- filename
Path to the file that should be read.
Return Values
- strlst
The lines in the file or nil if an error occurse.
- err
A message if an error occurse otherwise nil.
--ZFUNC-readlines-v1 local function readlines( filename ) --> strlst, err --ZFUNC-lines-v1 local function lines( str ) if not str:find( "\n$" ) then str = str.."\n" end return str:gmatch( "([^\n]*)\n" ) end local f, err = filename, "r" ) if err then return nil, err end local str, err = f:read( "*a" ) if err then return nil, err end local strlst = {} for line in lines( str ) do table.insert( strlst, line ) end local res, err = f:close() if err then return nil, err end return strlst end return readlines
local t = require( "taptest" ) local readlines = require( "readlines" ) local same = require( "same" ) f = "ReadLinesXmpl.txt", "w" ) f:write( "a ", "long ", "text\n\n", "is ", 1337 ) f:close() strlst, err = readlines( "ReadLinesXmpl.txt" ) t( same( strlst, { "a long text", "", "is 1337" } ), true ) os.remove( "ReadLinesXmpl.txt" ) t()