
function iscntrl( str ) --> res, idx


Checks if all characters in the string are control characters that do not occupy a printing position on a display. Control characters are the ASCII codes between 0x00(NUL) and 0x1f(US), plus 0x7f(DEL).



The string that should be checked.

Return Values


true if all characters in the string are control characters and their is at least one character, otherwise false.


If res is false shows idx the first character that is not a control character.


local function iscntrl( str ) --> res, idx
   local n = #str
   if n == 0 then return false, 0 end

   for idx = 1, n do
      local b = string.byte( str:sub( idx, idx ) )
      if b < 0x1f or b == 0x7f then
         return false, idx

   return true

return iscntrl


local t = require( "taptest" )
local iscntrl = require( "iscntrl" )

local NUL = string.char( 0x00 )
local SOH = string.char( 0x01 )
local STX = string.char( 0x02 )
local ETX = string.char( 0x03 )
local EOT = string.char( 0x04 )
local ENQ = string.char( 0x05 )
local ACK = string.char( 0x06 )
local BEL = string.char( 0x07 )
local BS = string.char( 0x08 )
local HT = string.char( 0x09 )
local LF = string.char( 0x0a )
local VT = string.char( 0x0b )
local FF = string.char( 0x0c )
local CR = string.char( 0x0d )
local SO = string.char( 0x0e )
local SI = string.char( 0x0f )
local DLE = string.char( 0x10 )
local DC1 = string.char( 0x11 )
local DC2 = string.char( 0x12 )
local DC3 = string.char( 0x13 )
local DC4 = string.char( 0x14 )
local NAK = string.char( 0x15 )
local SYN = string.char( 0x16 )
local ETB = string.char( 0x17 )
local CAN = string.char( 0x18 )
local EM = string.char( 0x19 )
local SUB = string.char( 0x1a )
local ESC = string.char( 0x1b )
local FS = string.char( 0x1c )
local GS = string.char( 0x1d )
local RS = string.char( 0x1e )
local US = string.char( 0x1f )

local DEL = string.char( 0x7f )

t( iscntrl( NUL..SOH..DEL..ETB ), true )

res, pos = iscntrl( "" )
t( res, false )
t( pos, 0 )

res, pos = iscntrl( NUL..SOH.."1"..DEL )
t( res, false )
t( pos, 3 )


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