function shelljoin( args ) --> line
Builds a command line string from an array table with the arguments. All elements are joined into a single string with fields separated by a space, where each element is escaped with escapeshellarg.html[escapeshellarg].
- argtab
Array table with the single arguments.
Return Values
- line
A safe command line string.
local quote_function --ZFUNC-escapeshellarg-v2 local function escapeshellarg( str ) --> esc local function posix_quote_argument(str) str = str:gsub( "[$`\"\\]", "\\%1" ) return '"' .. str .. '"' end local function windows_quote_argument(str) str = str:gsub('[%%&\\^<>|]', '^%1') str = str:gsub('"', "\\%1") str = str:gsub('[ \t][ \t]*', '"%1"') return str end if not quote_function then quote_function = windows_quote_argument local shell = os.getenv('SHELL') if shell then if '/' == shell:sub(1,1) and 'sh' == shell:sub(-2, -1) then quote_function = posix_quote_argument end end end return quote_function(str) end --ZFUNC-isoneshellarg-v1 local function isoneshellarg( str ) --> res --ZFUNC-utf8codes-v1 local function utf8codes( str ) return str:gmatch( "[%z\1-\127\194-\244][\128-\191]*" ) end local function isspace( str ) return str == " " or str == "\t" or str == "\r" or str == "\n" end local inbuff = false local escaped, doubleQ, singleQ, backQ = false, false, false, false for r in utf8codes( str ) do if escaped then----------------------------------------------------------- inbuff = true escaped = false elseif r == '\\' then----------------------------------------------------- if singleQ then inbuff = true else escaped = true end elseif isspace( r ) then-------------------------------------------------- if singleQ or doubleQ or backQ then inbuff = true else return false end elseif r == "`" then------------------------------------------------------ if singleQ or doubleQ then inbuff = true else backQ = not backQ end elseif r == '"' then------------------------------------------------------ if singleQ or backQ then inbuff = true else doubleQ = not doubleQ end elseif r == "'" then------------------------------------------------------ if doubleQ or backQ then inbuff = true else singleQ = not singleQ end else---------------------------------------------------------------------- inbuff = true end end if escaped or doubleQ or singleQ or backQ then return false end if inbuff then return true end return false --no argument end --ZFUNC-shelljoin-v2 local function shelljoin( args ) --> line local tmp = {} for _, a in ipairs( args ) do if not isoneshellarg( a ) then a = escapeshellarg( a ) end table.insert( tmp, a ) end return table.concat( tmp, " " ) end return shelljoin
local t = require( "taptest" ) local shelljoin = require( "shelljoin" ) line = shelljoin{ "here", "are", "two words" } t( 'here are "two words"', line ) line = shelljoin{ "John", "says", 'Hello"s World' } t( 'John says "Hello\\"s World"', line ) t()