function dirfiles( path ) --> iter
Creates a Lua iterator over files of a given directory. Raises an error if path is not a directory.
- path
A path to a directory in the filesystem.
Return Values
- iter
Lua iterator for the files in a directory.
local lfs = require( "lfs" ) --ZREQ-lfs --ZFUNC-dirfiles-v1 local function dirfiles( path ) --> iter local function yielddir( path ) for entry in lfs.dir( path ) do local entrypath = path.."/"..entry local mode = lfs.attributes( entrypath, "mode" ) if mode == "file" then coroutine.yield( entry ) end end end return coroutine.wrap( function() yielddir( path ) end ) end return dirfiles
local t = require( "taptest" ) local collectk = require( "collectk" ) local dirfiles = require( "dirfiles" ) local mkdirtree = require( "mkdirtree" ) local rmdirtree = require( "rmdirtree" ) -- setup t( mkdirtree{ [ "tmp_dirfiles" ] = { [ "a" ] = {}, [ "x" ] = "", [ "b" ] = {}, [ "y" ] = "", [ "c" ] = {}, [ "z" ] = "" } }, true ) -- test files = collectk( dirfiles( "tmp_dirfiles" ) ) table.sort( files ) t( #files, 3 ) t( files[ 1 ], "x" ) t( files[ 2 ], "y" ) t( files[ 3 ], "z" ) -- teardown t( rmdirtree( "tmp_dirfiles" ), true ) t()