function rmnode( graph, node ) --> graph
Removes a node from the graph and all edges that are connected with the node.
- graph
The graph that should be modified.
- node
The node that should be removed.
Return Values
- graph
The modified graph.
--ZFUNC-rmnode-v1 local function rmnode( graph, node ) --> graph graph[ node ] = nil for other, edges in pairs( graph ) do graph[ other ][ node ] = nil end return graph end return rmnode
local t = require( "taptest" ) local adjmatrix = require( "adjmatrix" ) local buildgraph = require( "buildgraph" ) local matrixtostrlst = require( "matrixtostrlst" ) local rmnode = require( "rmnode" ) local function tostr( graph, order ) local m = adjmatrix( graph, order ) return table.concat( matrixtostrlst( m, "%d", "" ), " " ) end local nodes = { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" } local edges = { { "a", "b" }, { "b", "a" }, { "b", "c" }, { "c", "b" }, { "b", "d" }, { "d", "c" } } local g = buildgraph( nodes, edges ) -- a <--> b <-----------> c -- \ / -- ---> d ---> -- [ e ] t( tostr( g, nodes ), "01000 10110 01000 00100 00000" ) g = rmnode( g, "x" ) -- the nodes not exist t( tostr( g, nodes ), "01000 10110 01000 00100 00000" ) g = rmnode( g, "d" ) -- a <--> b <--> c -- [ e ] t( tostr( g, { "a", "b", "c", "e" } ), "0100 1010 0100 0000" ) g = rmnode( g, "e" ) -- a <--> b <--> c t( tostr( g, { "a", "b", "c" } ), "010 101 010" ) g = rmnode( g, "b" ) -- [ a ] [ c ] t( tostr( g, { "a", "c" } ), "00 00" ) t()