function dirhas( path, name [, mode] ) --> entrypath
Checks if the directory behind the path contains an entry with the specified name. It allows also to check the mode(file, directory, …) of the entry.
- path
Path that should be checked.
- name
Name of the entry the function looks for.
- mode
Optional string representing a associated protection mode (the values can be file, directory, link, socket, named pipe, char device, block device or other)
Return Values
- entrypath
The path to the entry inside the directory, otherwise nil.
local lfs = require( "lfs" ) --ZREQ-lfs --ZFUNC-dirhas-v1 local function dirhas( path, name, mode ) --> entrypath local modeval = lfs.attributes( path, "mode" ) if modeval ~= "directory" then return nil end for entry in lfs.dir( path ) do if entry == name then local entrypath = path.."/"..entry if mode then local modeval = lfs.attributes( entrypath, "mode" ) if modeval ~= mode then return nil end end return entrypath end end return nil end return dirhas
local t = require( "taptest" ) local dirhas = require( "dirhas" ) local mkdirtree = require( "mkdirtree" ) local rmdirtree = require( "rmdirtree" ) -- setup t( mkdirtree{ [ "tmpdir" ] = { [ "abc.txt" ] = "", [ "xyz.txt" ] = "" } }, true ) -- test t( dirhas( "tmpdir", "xyz.txt" ), "tmpdir/xyz.txt" ) t( dirhas( "tmpdir", "xyz" ), nil ) t( dirhas( "tmpdir", "xyz.txt", "directory" ), nil ) t( dirhas( "tmpdir", "xyz.txt", "file" ), "tmpdir/xyz.txt" ) -- teardown t( rmdirtree( "tmpdir" ), true ) t()