function fnil( f, ... ) --> mf
Takes a function f and returns a function that calls f and replacing nil arguments to f with the supplied values …. Note that the function f can take any number of arguments, not just the one(s) being nil-patched.
- f
Function that should have default values for their parameters.
- …
Default values for the parameters.
Return Values
- mf
Wrapper function that defines default values for f.
--ZFUNC-fnil-v1 local function fnil( f, ... ) --> mf --ZFUNC-unwrap-v1 local function unwrap( tab, i, j ) local unpack = unpack or table.unpack return unpack( tab, i, j ) end local defaults = { ... } return function ( ... ) local args = { ... } local merged = {} for i, v in ipairs( defaults ) do local arg = args[ i ] if arg ~= nil then table.insert( merged, arg ) else table.insert( merged, v ) end end return f( unwrap( merged ) ) end end return fnil
local t = require( "taptest" ) local fnil = require( "fnil" ) local function favs( age, food ) return string.format( "I'm %d years old and eat %s.", age, food ) end local favs_with_defaults = fnil( favs, 28, "waffles" ) t( favs_with_defaults( 64, "cranberries" ), "I'm 64 years old and eat cranberries." ) t( favs_with_defaults( nil, "anchovy pizza" ), "I'm 28 years old and eat anchovy pizza." ) t( favs_with_defaults( 16 ), "I'm 16 years old and eat waffles." ) t( favs_with_defaults(), "I'm 28 years old and eat waffles." ) t()